Soon, we Christians will celebrate the birth of Prince of Peace. Meanwhile, we remind ourselves that the Jews greet each other saying "Shalom" and the Muslims saying "Salaam." Both languages mean peace. Then, how come are the believers of those three religions killing each other in the most bloodiest region of the world – in Afghanistan and in the Middle East? Isn’t it ironical that we believe in those religions in the same God of Abraham?
The reason why peace is not coming soon is: I think, we are acting as though peace can be imposed by applying a superior power, and are forgetting that the notion of peace in the language of those three monotheistic religions mean "justice" also. Justice demands caring and sharing. Justice can not be achieved by mere giving of charity: that’s easy because giving charity does not force us to sacrifice what we have till it hurts. Justice demands more than that.
Peace can not come by force: that’s oxymoron. Peace comes from justice.
Peace on Earth!
December 20, 2006